Development of the innovation ecosystem

The LF Group has its origins in the spin-off of Versicherungsforen from the University of Leipzig in 2000.

From the very beginning, Versicherungsforen Leipzig has been a service provider for research and development (R&D), a catalyst, and networker for the insurance industry. They identify and research new trends and topics, implement future-oriented solutions for the industry, and work closely with the scientific community.

The concept of the Versicherungsforen has been successfully established; over time, it was transferred to other sectors and was further expanded. Not only the Energieforen, but also the Maklerforen and the Bankenforen successfully positioned themselves as networkers and partners for innovation and R&D projects in their respective sectors.

In 2016, the New Players Network was launched as an initiative of the Versicherungsforen Leipzig with the aim of promoting the exchange between established market participants in the insurance industry and the start-up scene as well as building bridges for cooperation. Since then, the New Players Network has grown into the largest German InsurTech network. Within the LF Group, the energy and finance sectors are also start-up networks still in the process of being established.

With Digital Impact Labs, the LF Group has founded its own cross-industry innovation center: an interdisciplinary team with players from all areas of innovation management is consistently working to improve user friendliness; the team actively involves end customers in the creation of products and services and, as an innovation partner, shapes the innovation process with the customers from the very beginning.

Since 2022, the data expertise within the LF Group has been bundled under the umbrella of A4I Leipzig in order to be able to offer cross-industry data analytics solutions from a single source. A4I accompanies its customers on their way to becoming data-driven organisations and supports them in the professional collection and evaluation of their data as well as in the data-based development of customer-centric products and services.

The LF Group has succeeded in creating a unique combination of industry expertise and industry network, science, start-ups, and innovation know-how and thus in creating an innovation ecosystem. An ecosystem that takes the customers of the companies which are part of the LF Group to the next level of development and ensures that the industry players remain fit for the future.


Markus Rosenbaum, Managing Director
Bild von Markus Rosenbaum

+49 341 98988-111

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We endow a Professorship for Digital Innovation at the HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management

Details of the Professorship